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Looking to simplify training and managing your early talent?

We’ve partnered with URx to offer community members exclusive discounts (up to 20%!) on our program management platform. No more running your internship program on Google Sheets and multiple tools. Get Symba-fied instead, and streamline your program.

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About Symba

Innovative Management Platform for Early Career Programs

Using Symba, you can easily onboard program participants, manage projects, provide and collect feedback, and build community. By consolidating program management tools, customers have reported spending 80% less time on onboarding and 35% less time on directly managing participants. 

In addition, you can track key success metrics and the long-term impact of your early career talent programs. 90% of organizations using Symba have increased program satisfaction, and customers have reported an average of 20% increase in intern-to-full-time hire conversion rates.

Loved by Industry Leaders

“We’re much more efficient in engaging interns and mentors now – especially remotely. Symba is an amazing partner – responsive and receptive to tailoring the platform to our needs. With Symba, we can automate processes and focus on improving our UR Program!”
Charlene Delapena
Executive Director at URx
“CBSi was able to leverage Symba’s community feature to convey the company’s culture and build community among interns. It is hard to create [community] in these virtual days, and Symba found a way to do it.”
Stephanie Carroll
University Relations & Diversity Manager at Viacom CBS
“We are pleased to partner with Symba to ensure we provide the best in technology to close the disparity and opportunity gaps for talented underserved students for careers in corporate America and entrepreneurship for the sustainable future.”
Forest T. Harper, Jr.
CEO & President at INROADS
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