A quick Google search or chat with people around you will show you that “Getting organized” is probably one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. And even if it’s not on your list for 2022, we are keen on making your life a little less stressful by helping you organize your talent development programs better with Symba’s Calendar feature!

Calendars are a great way to visualize all projects and related tasks in one place for you and your program participants. While you might already have different tools and methods to track everything your program participants are working on, sometimes it can get overwhelming not only for you, but also for them to scan and review multiple tasks and deadlines each day. Well, we have some good news! We created a Calendar tab for all Symba users - program participants, admins, and managers, to display all the projects, timelines, and project statuses in the form of a visually appealing calendar!
What does this feature do for your program participants: They can now easily track their project deadlines, statuses, and associated tasks to make sure none of their work falls through the cracks.
What does this feature do for you as a talent manager: This new calendar feature makes it easy for you to keep track of project deadlines and upcoming tasks, one month or one week at a time, all in one view. You can also edit all the different projects you have assigned to your program participants.
This feature can easily be used for any talent development program, including internships, apprenticeships, mentorships, and more, that assigns projects.
What makes this new feature special is that it started off as a customer request which then turned into a whole new feature for the product. At Symba, customer requests and feedback are key to crafting a balanced product strategy.
What’s next: Apart from being able to manage multiple projects, you will also be able to organize your program’s social calendar using Symba’s Calendar feature. You will be able to add remote, in-person, and hybrid events to Symba’s Calendar.
To learn more about this feature and how it can help you enhance your talent development programs, chat with our sales team today.